How to Avoid Scams and Find a Good Contractor You Can Trust in Your Construction | Major Construction, General Contractor

When it comes time for a construction project, don't let yourself be scammed by choosing a bad contractor. Follow our tips to find a good one you can trust!

5/11/20233 min read

When you’re taking on an important construction project, one of the most important steps is finding a dependable and trustworthy contractor. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous contractors out there who may be looking to scam you out of your hard-earned money. Nothing is worse than investing your time and energy into something only to have it go wrong or end up costing more than expected. To ensure that your project goes smoothly and that you’re getting quality workmanship from a reliable contractor, here are some tips on how to avoid scams and find a good contractor:

1. Verify Their Licensure: The best way to ensure that you’re getting quality work from an experienced contractor is to verify their licensure. Most states require contractors to be licensed prior to engaging in any construction-related activity. You can usually check the status of their license with your local building department or state licensing board online. Additionally, if they are licensed, they should also provide proof of liability insurance and worker's compensation coverage as well as copies of their current certifications/training records.

2. Ask for References: A reputable contractor should be able to provide references from past clients who can vouch for their reliability, quality of workmanship and responsiveness. Make sure to actually follow up with these references by calling or emailing them rather than just relying on the information provided by the contractor alone. This will give you an honest assessment of what it was like working with this person so you can decide if they’re someone you can trust with your project or not.

3. Get Everything In Writing: A detailed written contract is essential when it comes to hiring a contractor for any construction job. Not only does it ensure accuracy but it also protects both parties involved in case anything goes wrong during the course of the project. Make sure that all terms such as payment schedule, timeline, materials used, warranties/guarantees are outlined clearly in writing before signing off on anything – this will help make sure that everyone is clear about expectations upfront and will save time (and money) down the road if issues arise later on during the course of the project.

4. Avoid “Too Good To Be True” Deals: If someone offers a deal that seems too good to be true (i.e., incredibly low prices), then it likely is too good to be true! Many scammers offer extremely low pricing upfront but then tack on hidden fees once they get started on the job—at which point it’s too late for you because they already have your money! Always research any potential contractors thoroughly before making any agreements with them so you know what kind of rates and services they typically offer—that way, you won’t fall victim to any shady deals or scams later down the line!

5. Do Your Due Diligence: Before starting your search for contractors in earnest, do some research ahead of time by researching different companies online and reading reviews from past customers who have worked with them—this will help give you an idea of which ones are legitimate businesses versus ones that may try to take advantage of unsuspecting customers by charging exorbitant prices or using subpar materials/workmanship while completing projects.. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask questions—a reputable company should always answer questions honestly without trying to hide anything or mislead customers in any way shape or form!

6. Check Their Reputation: One final tip when it comes to avoiding scams is checking up on each potential candidate's reputation within their industry before deciding who gets hired for your job! See what other people have said about them online (on websites such as Yelp) and through word-of-mouth referrals from friends/family members who might have experience dealing with certain contractors in order get an accurate picture about how reliable/trustworthy each candidate might be before agreeing upon anything with them.. This extra step could potentially save lots headaches (and money!) further down the line!

Finding a dependable contractor for your construction project isn't easy; however, taking these proactive steps ahead of time can help ensure that you get a reliable partner who delivers quality workmanship without trying too hard on your pocketbook either! By verifying licensure documentation, asking for references, getting all agreements outlined in writing beforehand and doing due diligence research ahead of time—as well as being mindful not fall prey prey “too good deals” -all this will greatly reduce chances falling prey any type scammer while helping guarantee success major construction endeavor!