Safely Installing Roofing Shingles During Summer | Major Construction, Roofing

Wondering how to install roofing shingles in the summer? Check out these tips for a safe, successful installation!


2/8/20231 min read

Blog Introduction: With the summer months upon us, it can be challenging to install roofing shingles safely. Unlike other times of the year, the heat and humidity of summer can make the job much more difficult. To ensure a safe, successful installation during these hot months, there are certain precautions and best practices that should be taken. Let’s take a look at what you should keep in mind when installing roofing shingles this summer.

Pace Yourself and Stay Hydrated
It is essential to stay hydrated when doing physical labor in the heat. Bodily fluids are lost quickly through sweat during physical work, so staying hydrated not only helps with energy levels but also prevents heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Additionally, working in high temperatures for extended periods of time can zap your energy levels quickly, so make sure to take frequent breaks and pace yourself throughout the day if possible.

Work Early or Late
The middle of a hot summer afternoon is not ideal for installing roofing shingles because it’s usually when temperatures peak. To avoid this problem entirely, try to work as early in the morning as possible before it gets too hot out or wait until late evening after the sun has gone down and the temperature cools off considerably. It might mean working a few extra hours in total but it will definitely be better for your overall health (and comfort!).

Wear Sun Protection and Light Clothes
When working outside under intense direct sunlight all day long, wearing adequate sun protection is essential. A hat with a brim will help shade your face from direct sunlight while also protecting your head from getting too hot. Additionally, wear light colored clothes that breathe easily; dark colors absorb more heat which can cause discomfort when working for several hours straight outside. Lastly, don’t forget to wear sunscreen! It’s easy to overlook but just as important as any other protective gear you might have on hand.

Working on roofing projects during the summer months presents its own unique set of challenges due to extreme weather conditions; however with careful planning ahead of time and using these tips outlined above, you can complete your project safely while avoiding potential health risks associated with high temperatures such as heat exhaustion or stroke. With a few extra precautions taken into consideration upfront, you will be able to finish your roofing project successfully this summer!